The Future e-Zine

Vidit Bhargava

Vidit Bhargava Q1. What is its claim to fame:

Ans. First Gaming Console

Q2. Busicom 141-PF printing calculator was the first one use what of great importance to the world of IT?
Ans. Intel 4004 - Intel's First Microprocessor

Q3. Eugene Roshal is famous for the creation of what in the world of softwares and utility tools?
Ans. WinRar

Q4. A lady named Gail Davis, from England had made news recently. For what reasons did she make news?
Ans. She won the Billion Dollar App Download Award by Apple

Q5. A question from a quiz that I attended recently! What is the claim to fame of Finger Works, a company acquired by Apple Inc.
Ans. It Makes Multi-Touch gestures for iOS Devices

Q06. Connect
Ans. Facebook

Q07. Connect
Ans. Youtube

Q08. Connect
Ans. FireFox

Q09. Connect
Ans. Avatar

Q10. Connect
Ans. Pixar